Elliptical Cone

Koordinaterlat: 59.3338483 long: 18.07461

Sedan några år arbetar den i New York bosatte minimalisten Jene Highstein med sten bruten i Norden. Detta verk är utfört i skånsk diabas.

Skulptören säger följande om sitt verk ”Elliptical Cone”: ”It is a sculpture of human scale. One that I hope will set a measure against which people can orient themselves to the urban world. It’s a sculpture that sits in a man-made space. About three meters tall, it should seem to be going back into the ground and sprouting out from it at the same time. This tension, combined with the simplicity of form, will focus the viewer’s attention on the sculpture as a scale marker as well as a singular presence.”

Highstein,Jene, 2003, Norrmalm, Diabas